Thursday, April 23, 2009


So... Christian, let's check out First Peter chapter 1, verses 1-12.
I see some important ideas in there. The teacher in me is thinking that maybe we could start by listing a few of the words that need some discussion... then you tell me what you think when you read 'em. Feel free to elaborate on any or add something else.
v1: strangers
v2: chosen
v3: hope
v4: inheritance
v5: shielded
v6: suffer
v7: genuine faith
v8: joy
v9: goal
v10: intently
v11: sufferings / glories
v12: gospel

WELCOME to WorldWideBibleBlog

Hey there, and welcome to the WorldWideBibleBlog! The idea came a while back when I (Aaron) was talking to a friend (Christian) about growing as a student of the Word. The problem was that we live quite a ways away from each other - I live in Georgia, he lives in Germany. Apart from them both starting with GE, there's not much to connect those two places - we're nearly 5,000 miles apart!
Anyway, I set this blog up so he and I (and some of our friends) can read the Word together... and discuss it. I've been seeing a lot of good stuff in First and Second Peter lately, so howsabout let's start there!
Love the Lord your God with all your... MIND.